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Submitted 11:34 a.m. EDT
Letter to the Editor

Coalitions have formed across [California] to move resources away from jails and towards alternatives to incarceration.”

Emily Harris, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights of Oakland, CA

It is refreshing to see a critique of public safety realignment that doesn't come from a fear mongering perspective. I hope future coverage on this issue can highlight more of the powerful organizing happening at the local-level by formerly incarcerated people, their families, service providers and other advocates. Coalitions have formed across the state to move resources away from jails and towards alternatives to incarceration. Here in Alameda County community members have organized to win 50% of the realignment dollars being directed to community-based services instead of to the deep pockets law enforcement. In Los Angeles the sheriff has plans to build multiple jails with $2.3-billion price tag, and the community has launched their own No New Jail and 50% campaign. People most targeted by policing and imprisonment standing up against jail expansion, voting for reforms like Prop 47 and saying NO to mass incarceration is what's making the real difference.

This letter written in response to