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Mississippi Court Candidates Tell You Why They Should Be Elected

The Marshall Project - Jackson and Mississippi Today asked the candidates to explain why people should vote for them. Here’s who responded.

An illustration shows circles with portraits of seven judges and three question marks.

Along with the presidential and congressional elections on Nov. 5, Mississippi voters across a number of counties will be asked to select candidates to sit on the state Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and an open seat on the Hinds County Court.

Our election guide provides an in-depth look at who’s running for these nonpartisan seats. You can download a printable PDF of our Judicial Election Guide here.

We also asked each candidate to respond to five questions from The Marshall Project - Jackson and Mississippi Today, which are posted below. Not all candidates responded.

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Supreme Court District 1, Place 3 (Central Mississippi, including Jackson): Jim Kitchens (currently holds this seat), Jenifer Branning, Ceola James, Byron Carter, Abby Gale Robinson

Supreme Court District 2, Place 2 (Gulf Coast): Dawn H. Beam (currently holds the seat), David P. Sullivan

Court of Appeals District 5, Place 2 (Gulf Coast): Ian Baker, Jennifer Schloegel, Amy Lassiter St. Pé

Hinds County Court, Subdistrict 2: Pieter Teeuwissen (currently holds the seat), Bridgette M. Morgan, Yemi Kings

Supreme Court District 1, Place 3 (Central Mississippi, including Jackson)

An illustration of Jim Kitchens, a White man with gray-white hair, wearing a suit and tie.

Please tell voters why you are most qualified for this seat.

This is not a personal criticism of any of my opponents. Rather, it is a commentary on our vastly different professional backgrounds.

My lengthy experience in the legal profession and my nearly 16 years of experience as an appellate judge cannot be matched by any of my opponents.

For example, I am not aware of any relevant experience in the field of criminal law on the part of any of them. Whatever exposure to that subject they may have had appears to have been academic as opposed to practical. I understand that one of the candidates had a clerkship at the Mississippi Supreme Court, which would have provided him additional academic experience in criminal law, and civil law as well.

All of the candidates graduated from law school, as far as I know. In most law schools, criminal law is a first-year, required subject for all students. Some of my opponents also may have taken an elective course in criminal procedure. The study of constitutional law certainly has a criminal law component, and constitutional law is a required, first-year course.

But to study criminal law is one thing and to practice it is another. I have a strong background in that field. The first jury trials I had, as a young lawyer, were murder trials in which I was court-appointed. Early in my career, I defended numerous criminal cases in Mississippi courts, some appointed and some hired.

During my fifth year as a member of the Bar, I was elected district attorney for four Mississippi counties. I served in that capacity for nine full years. I had very little help, which resulted in my personally trying almost all the cases that went to trial.

During the years between my service as district attorney and my service on the Supreme Court (27 years), I was in private practice and I handled hundreds of criminal cases on the defense side, some of which involved appeals to the Court on which I now serve.

During my years in private law practice (June 1967-January 1972, then January 1981-December 2008) I represented mostly Mississippi people in a vast array of civil and criminal matters. This included cases in the state’s circuit, chancery, county, justice, and municipal courts, and also in the federal courts. The kinds of cases I handled for my clients involved the same kinds of legal issues I dealt with as a practicing attorney.

I had been an active, practicing Mississippi attorney for more than 40 years before I asked the people to allow me to serve on their state’s highest court. No other candidate can come close to my solid record of legal experience.

Mississippi has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. How should the state’s criminal legal system properly balance punishment and rehabilitation?

This is a policy question and, as such, it would be improper for me to answer it.

A 2023 state Supreme Court rule required reforms to the state’s public defense systems. Do you believe this change is adequate to ensure indigent defendants are provided lawyers after arrest, or is there more that needs to be done?

It is not appropriate for me (to) express my personal beliefs on this subject.

Mississippi elects its judges and justices. This requires candidates to fundraise and solicit donations, often from lawyers, law firms and special interest groups. How can you accept contributions while still maintaining a sense of impartiality on the court?

Judicial candidates are prohibited from soliciting campaign contributions in Mississippi. Solicitations must be conducted through a committee that is designated by the candidate.

During my two previous campaigns, and in the present one, I did not, and I do not allow my committee members to disclose the identity of campaign donors to me. I have never looked at the lists of contributors to my campaigns, and I have not looked at the lists of my opponents’ donors. Accordingly, I do not know who did or did not contribute to my campaigns, and neither do I know who did, or did not, contribute to the campaigns of my opponents.

The criminal justice system in Mississippi has a history of racial disparities. Do you believe these disparities exist today, and if so, how will you address them from the bench?

In pertinent part, my oath of office requires me to “. . . administer justice without respect to persons. . . .” I have been faithful to that oath, and I will continue to do so.

An illustration of Jenifer Branning, a White woman with straight brown hair pulled back into a bun, wearing a blue blouse and a yellow blazer.

Branning did not acknowledge or return the candidate questionnaire from The Marshall Project - Jackson and Mississippi Today.

An illustration of Ceola James, a Black woman with short, curly brown hair, wearing a blue blazer.

Please tell voters why you are most qualified for this seat.

There are five candidates running for the position of Mississippi Supreme Court Justice, some of whom I have never met. All of the candidates have been statutorily qualified because their names have been placed on the ballot.

I will answer this question by stating why I am well qualified to serve for the position of Mississippi Supreme Court Justice and why I feel that the voters should vote for me. I worked my way up the ladder in the legal profession. As a solo practitioner, I practiced both civil and criminal law. I served as a guardian ad litem in youth court and also represented juveniles in youth court. I have had several appointments: I was appointed in Warren County as a Justice Court Judge and also as a Special Master Judge in Chancery Court. I served as a special appointed City Court Judge in Port Gibson, Mississippi, and I was also twice appointed by the Mississippi Supreme Court as a special chancery judge in Scott and Rankin counties.

Perhaps the highlight of my career is that I previously served as a Ninth District Chancery Court Judge. I presided over Warren, Sharkey, Issaquena, Humphries, Washington and Sunflower counties, and I was seated in Greenville, Mississippi. I also previously served on the Mississippi Court of Appeals. My experience and qualifications would add a different perspective to the court. I invite you to view my website at: I also invite you to view my speech at the Neshoba County Fair which was on Aug. 1, 2024:

Mississippi has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. How should the state’s criminal legal system properly balance punishment and rehabilitation?

The criminal justice system aims to balance punishment with rehabilitation. However, there is much needed for more rehabilitative services. Punishment is meant to deter criminal activity, whereas rehabilitation serves to enable a person who has been incarcerated to successfully re-enter society after he/she has completed a sentence. An imbalance is said to exist because more emphasis is placed on punishment as opposed to rehabilitation. The state of Mississippi has numerous rehabilitative services and programs, but more are needed in order to achieve a balance. Hopefully, the number of rehabilitative services will continue to grow.

A 2023 state Supreme Court rule required reforms to the state’s public defense systems. Do you believe this change is adequate to ensure indigent defendants are provided lawyers after arrest, or is there more that needs to be done?

In 2023, the Mississippi Rules of Criminal Procedure were amended. This procedure provided for more due process to the indigent Defendant after arrest to ensure that the Defendant has the proper initial representation and that the representation continues until the case has been completed. There is still much work to be done in the criminal justice system, from arrest to acquittal or conviction.

Mississippi elects its judges and justices. This requires candidates to fundraise and solicit donations, often from lawyers, law firms and special interest groups. How can you accept contributions while still maintaining a sense of impartiality on the court?

Judges cannot solicit funds for their campaign. They must set up a committee to raise money for them. My committee has never raised large sums of money or had large major donors to this date. The candidate’s committee is statutorily required to report all donations above $200 from each contributor, whether it be an actual or in-kind donation from each contributor.

The criminal justice system in Mississippi has a history of racial disparities. Do you believe these disparities exist today, and if so, how will you address them from the bench?

A judge can address disparities in his opinion by upholding the oath of office, whether the disparities be based on race, religion, or any other factor. By taking the oath of office, a judge promises to: “ … do equal justice to the poor and to the rich…” A judge also promises in his oath to faithfully discharge the duties of his office, as is required by the constitution of the United States.

An illustration of Byron Carter, a White man with light brown hair, wearing a suit and tie.

Please tell voters why you are most qualified for this seat.

I have worked toward becoming an appellate judge my entire career. After law school, I had a clerkship in the Supreme Court, where I researched cases, wrote opinions and discussed opinions with the justices. Since the clerkship, I have been involved in many appeals in Mississippi and Alabama supreme courts and courts of appeals. I also have been involved in federal court appeals in the 5th and 11th Circuit Courts of Appeals. I have even handled rare appeals to the circuit courts in Mississippi. I am certified to appear before the United States Supreme Court. The Mississippi Bar does not have specialization but does have Sections to enhance attorney education in particular areas. I am a member of the appellate law section of the Mississippi Bar, which other candidates are not. Additionally, I have tried many different types of civil and criminal cases before many different judges and am familiar with the court system from which appeals originate.

Mississippi has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. How should the state’s criminal legal system properly balance punishment and rehabilitation?

I really believe this is a question for the Department of Corrections, the Legislature or our society and not a candidate for the Supreme Court. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court’s duty is to make sure that no individual is wrongfully convicted and incarcerated. The court does not play a direct role in arrests or rehabilitation. The Legislature did recently pass a statute to reduce jail time prior to eligibility for parole. In my practice, I have assisted some criminal defendants and helped them avoid incarceration by working out a plea arrangement. As such, they are able to remain in society while correcting their behavior. Our state has a drug problem, which I have seen with clients and with opposite parties in cases. Our state did create drug courts to attempt to lower the incarceration rate, which I believe has been very successful. I have listened to, and had discussions with, the commissioner of the DOC about the incarceration rate. He impresses me with his understanding of how to rehabilitate inmates (although he does not call them by that term), which I think may decrease recidivism. Religious organizations have to become more involved to rehabilitate as well. My mother went to the county jail almost every week to take cookies as an incentive for prisoners to meet with and listen to her talk about religion. Perhaps other people and organizations can help inmates.

A 2023 state Supreme Court rule required reforms to the state’s public defense systems. Do you believe this change is adequate to ensure indigent defendants are provided lawyers after arrest, or is there more that needs to be done?

It was a good start. The hourly rate for public defenders needs to be increased so that more attorneys will be willing to handle the caseload. I believe the state will have to access with the money needed for these fees as small counties cannot handle the financial burden. While my criminal defense duties may have been limited, I have tried to make sure that defendants whose cases I have handled acknowledged their past bad behavior and avoided jail time. They are now productive citizens.

Mississippi elects its judges and justices. This requires candidates to fundraise and solicit donations, often from lawyers, law firms and special interest groups. How can you accept contributions while still maintaining a sense of impartiality on the court?

The Judicial Commission has attempted to provide a buffer by not allowing judges to ask for donations. Without regard to that, recusal from being a part of the decision is an option. Otherwise, I do not believe any donation was given to me to influence any particular decision but because the donor knows my honesty and integrity and experience to handle the position.

The criminal justice system in Mississippi has a history of racial disparities. Do you believe these disparities exist today, and if so, how will you address them from the bench?

I am familiar with the history of Mississippi, but I do not believe such disparities exist today. Our judges are of different ethnicities and are well-trained. They also are voted out if the people do not believe they are acting fairly and impartially. As an appellate judge, any disparities in treatment are reviewed and, if proven, could result in the case being overturned. It has been claimed that the motivation behind taking away the right to vote as punishment was racial. I do not know the motive and the Supreme Court did not play a role in legislation, but I do not understand removing voting rights from any individual of any ethnicity, who has served his/her punishment and returned to society.

An illustration of Abby Gale Robinson, a Black woman with a light skin tone and long blonde hair, wearing a blue blazer and white blouse.

Robinson declined to answer the candidate questionnaire and directed The Marshall Project - Jackson and Mississippi Today to review her website.

Supreme Court District 2, Place 2 (Gulf Coast)

An illustration of Dawn H. Beam, a White woman with straight, shoulder-length brown hair, wearing a blue blouse.

Please tell voters why you are most qualified for this seat.

I am the only candidate in this race with experience serving on the Mississippi Supreme Court. I have served on the Supreme Court for more than eight and a half years, and I have a clear and consistent record of strictly interpreting the U.S. Constitution and the Mississippi Constitution. I have always followed the rule of law without legislating from the bench. I am a Constitutional conservative, and that is evident in the hundreds of rulings I have been part of on the Supreme Court. Throughout that experience, as well as my previous experience as a Chancery Judge, Mississippians can see my record of experience of always fairly applying the law and following our Constitution.

Mississippi has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. How should the state’s criminal legal system properly balance punishment and rehabilitation?

There is no doubt that how children are raised is a key factor in their future path and ability to have success in their lives. That is why I have personally invested time and effort over the past eight years in improving resources available to the child welfare system to help strengthen families and reduce the trauma too many children experience.

In our Youth Services side of the Youth Court, we have worked to provide Youth Court Judges with resources to better evaluate offenders. We have educated all court personnel to be trauma informed to better understand and redirect juvenile offenders. We have seen the return of the Adolescent Offender Program (AOP) which gives the Court greater resources to help redirect offenders and hold them accountable.

Since I have been on the Supreme Court we have seen an expansion of drug courts, mental health courts, and veterans’ courts to address many of the challenges facing the people of our state. It’s important to hold offenders accountable for their actions, while also having alternative punishments that help non-violent offenders redeem themselves and get on the right path so they can have a productive and successful future in life.

A 2023 state Supreme Court rule required reforms to the state’s public defense systems. Do you believe this change is adequate to ensure indigent defendants are provided lawyers after arrest, or is there more that needs to be done?

In April 2023 the Supreme Court Amended Rule 7.2 of the Mississippi Rules of Criminal Procedure that deals with appointment of attorneys to indigent individuals. Inmates must have timely hearings and that is insured when they are represented at all stages of the litigation, including making sure a timely appeal is filed. Justice delayed is justice denied — and legal representation is vital to this. We owe it to all Mississippians to move all cases forward in a timely manner — both to the defendants, as well as the victims.

Mississippi elects its judges and justices. This requires candidates to fundraise and solicit donations, often from lawyers, law firms and special interest groups. How can you accept contributions while still maintaining a sense of impartiality on the court?

I am comfortable with the current rules regarding how judicial candidates run for office in Mississippi. I believe the people of our state want and should have the ability to elect their judges because it’s a good way to ensure accountability for judges. Judicial candidates utilize a committee or team of people to help raise the resources that are necessary to run a campaign and that keeps the candidate away from direct fundraising. That also frees up time for the candidate to visit with voters, hear their concerns and discuss their judicial philosophy and the type of judge they would be on the court.

The criminal justice system in Mississippi has a history of racial disparities. Do you believe these disparities exist today, and if so, how will you address them from the bench?

My focus as a Chancery Judge in the past as well as my experience over the last eight and a half years serving on the Mississippi Supreme Court has always been to fairly apply the law — no matter the age, race or gender of the parties involved. I believe the other Justices on the Supreme Court feel the same way, and I am confident in saying there is no racial bias on our Mississippi Supreme Court.

An illustration of David P. Sullivan, a White man with gray hair and a gray beard, wearing a suit and tie.

Please tell voters why you are most qualified for this seat.

I have a well-balanced career with a body of work that has prepared me to serve with actual hands-on experience in the courtroom as a trial lawyer. My background is not just focused on one area of the law. I have handled complex civil litigation and civil jury trials for some of the largest corporations in the world. I have tried cases in Chancery Court and even had successful Chancery appeals. I have been a prosecutor, a Municipal Judge and criminal defense lawyer where I have handled many criminal jury trials, including capital murder. Reviewing civil and criminal jury trials is the primary task of the Supreme Court, and it is advantageous to have someone who has actually tried these types of cases in the courtroom to review them on appeal. I am a conservative, Christian father who grew up in Hattiesburg and the Pine Belt but have lived on the Gulf Coast for 30 years, and I have family roots in Natchez and Franklin County, as well as Sullivan’s Hollow and Jones County, so I understand the needs of the entire district on a personal level.

Mississippi has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. How should the state’s criminal legal system properly balance punishment and rehabilitation?

In my experience, the vast majority of persons charged with non-violent crimes in Mississippi have serious mental health issues and are self-medicating with street drugs. I believe our Intervention Court system continues to improve to address this problem at the source. As a criminal defense lawyer, I encourage every client I encounter with a substance abuse problem to seek treatment and recovery. As a prosecutor and municipal judge, I often order people charged with alcohol and drug offenses to attend AA and NA meetings, as well as seek counseling or treatment.

A 2023 state Supreme Court rule required reforms to the state’s public defense systems. Do you believe this change is adequate to ensure indigent defendants are provided lawyers after arrest, or is there more that needs to be done?

I do believe the system has seen improvements with the new rules, particularly where a person is appointed a lawyer at their initial appearance, and the same lawyer stays with them throughout the life of the case. This helps prevent persons being “lost” in jail awaiting indictment. However, there is still room for improvement in bringing uniformity to the system. Currently, I serve as “conflict counsel” for the Public Defender’s Office in the Pearl River Circuit Court and the Harrison County Public Defender’s Office. These special appointments usually involve high-profile or very serious felony crimes. Stone County does not have a Public Defender’s Office, so the Circuit Judges appointed a panel of 5 skilled criminal defense lawyers from the Coast to divide the indigent caseload, and I have served on that panel for several years. This comprises only a small percentage of the cases handled in my private practice, Sullivan Law, as much of my current case load are privately retained clients.

Mississippi elects its judges and justices. This requires candidates to fundraise and solicit donations, often from lawyers, law firms and special interest groups. How can you accept contributions while still maintaining a sense of impartiality on the court?

Candidates are not allowed to solicit contributions, but supporters form committees, and they are responsible for raising the money necessary to run the campaign. As a candidate, I do not want to know who contributes financially, and while I am grateful for the support of my friends and family, anyone who knows me understands I am a straight shooter who is not easily influenced. Judges do not make the law or bend the Constitution to suit their will; they interpret the law in a fair and impartial manner. Just like in sports, we want referees who will call a fair game — calling balls and strikes without influence. As citizens in a democracy, we need a fair, free, and independent Judiciary. As lawyers, we want a judge who is intelligent, fair and impartial, and uses those assets to apply the law or the constitution to the facts of a particular case, regardless of the parties or lawyers in the cases. When I was a young insurance defense lawyer, my father wrote an opinion that said the insurance contract was a trap for the unwary. Ruling against the entire industry that employs your son and many of your friends is the definition of character and integrity, and I am of that same mindset.

The criminal justice system in Mississippi has a history of racial disparities. Do you believe these disparities exist today, and if so, how will you address them from the bench?

I feel that it is crucial to treat everyone the same regardless of their race, gender or socio-economic status, and regardless of whether they hired a lawyer or not. I would continue to do my part to address it from the bench in the same manner as I have done in the past. More citizens in Mississippi encounter the Municipal Court system than probably any other Court, and as a Municipal Judge and prosecutor, I have always done my best to ensure that persons were treated with dignity and respect, while making sure justice was served.

Court of Appeals District 5, Place 2 (Gulf Coast)

An illustration of Ian Baker, a bald White man with a beard, wearing a suit and tie.

Baker did not acknowledge or return the candidate questionnaire from The Marshall Project - Jackson and Mississippi Today.

An illustration of Jenifer Schloegel, a White woman with long, wavy blonde hair, wearing a pink blouse.

Please tell voters why you are most qualified for this seat.

Of the three candidates running for Judge of the Court of Appeals, I am the most qualified and the ONLY candidate with 14 years’ experience as a trial judge in the busiest district in the state. My judicial experience has directly prepared me to be a judge on the Court of Appeals ON DAY ONE. As a Chancery Court judge, I rule on appeals from municipal, city, and county courts, also making me the only candidate with actual appellate decision-making experience.

With all due respect to the upstanding legal careers of my opponents, we are all lawyers. Judges and lawyers have different roles and different perspectives. My opponent’s experience as a lower court part-time municipal judge does not compare to my full-time elected position as a trial judge. Even the best trial attorney does not have my experience as a judge at making difficult legal decisions, weighing evidence, determining the credibility of witnesses, and coming to sound judgment based upon the law and the facts. The Mississippi Court of Appeals and Supreme Court have affirmed my judgments 32 of 33 times. I have a proven record.

Although this questionnaire is primarily concerned with the criminal justice system, I will bring civil law balance to the Court of Appeals. As a chancery judge, I hear CIVIL matters, acting as both the judge and the jury deciding all issues of law and fact. In 2023, most appeals (69.3%) were CIVIL rather than criminal. No former chancery judges serve on the Court of Appeals, yet chancery appeals comprised more than 1/3 of all civil appeals and 1/4 of the total appeals.

Before becoming a judge, I practiced law in personal injury litigation, business law, trust and estate litigation, estate planning, and probate on the Mississippi coast and in Atlanta, Georgia. I was a member of both the Mississippi and Georgia bar associations. My education, professional background, and school, church, and community involvement is detailed on my website:

Becoming a judge on the Mississippi Court of Appeals is a natural progression of my legal career. If elected, I pledge to serve the citizens of this state and the cause of justice fairly and impartially. I humbly and respectfully ask for your vote on November 5.

Mississippi has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. How should the state’s criminal legal system properly balance punishment and rehabilitation?

Mississippi indeed has minimal formal rehabilitation programs for criminal defendants, especially drug, alcohol, and mental health treatment. Circuit judges have limited options for ordering rehabilitation of this type through state-funded resources. Private family funding and charitable and nonprofit organizations support much of the rehabilitation for drug, alcohol, and mental health. Additionally, reentry programs designed to aid inmates in securing employment upon release from incarceration are available to some, but not all. These programs are minimal, and individuals with prior convictions struggle to find jobs. Again, reliance on private and charitable organizations has been the pattern. Most people will not be successful without rehabilitation. Legislative action and funding would be necessary to beef up governmental programs; therefore, judges cannot adequately address this issue alone. Judges can, however, support programs such as drug courts, mental health courts, and community service options for nonviolent offenders, which might reduce the number of individuals sent to prison. Reducing or eliminating mandatory minimum sentencing for nonviolent offenses would require legislative, not judicial, action. Judges can use discretion to reduce sentencing, especially for nonviolent offenses, taking into account the circumstances of the crime and the offender’s background.

A 2023 state Supreme Court rule required reforms to the state’s public defense systems. Do you believe this change is adequate to ensure indigent defendants are provided lawyers after arrest, or is there more that needs to be done?

The change in the rule requires a court-appointed lawyer to stay on the case until the end unless another lawyer is substituted. Lawyers are prevented from representing a criminal defendant only in the preliminary hearing but not the remainder of the case. This has been a good change and ensures everyone is provided a lawyer as long as the rules and processes are followed. However, most counties in the state do not have a public defender’s office. Whether a state public defender’s office will help with this issue is debatable and depends upon funding by the legislature and the counties. Harrison County is fortunate to have an excellent and dedicated public defender’s office.

Mississippi elects its judges and justices. This requires candidates to fundraise and solicit donations, often from lawyers, law firms, and special interest groups. How can you accept contributions while still maintaining a sense of impartiality on the court?

As a judge for 14 years, I have run in four prior elections. Never once have I been asked to recuse myself from a case based on contributions to any of my campaigns. I like that judges and justices are elected in our state. The campaign process facilitates relationships between the judiciary, the lawyers, and the public. Judges should not sit in ivory towers but rather be in tune with the struggles of litigants and lawyers. Historically, campaign contributions from lawyers, law firms, and special interest groups have been the regular practice. As a judge, I ignore them and separate my campaign from my job. I have ruled for and against many lawyers who supported me because the law and the case warranted it. Overall, I have a reputation for treating people fairly and genuinely seeking to make the best decision regardless of any personal feelings I may have toward a lawyer or a group. I am willing to stand up against political power and special interests, which I have proven in several cases involving government officials and high-profile trials.

The criminal justice system in Mississippi has a history of racial disparities. Do you believe these disparities exist today, and if so, how will you address them from the bench?

As an appellate judge, I will rule according to the law and be fair regardless of race. Racial disparity still exists in the criminal justice system in some places and some situations. The incarceration statistics of minorities give the appearance the system is discriminatory. I do not believe racial disparity can be determined by statistics alone, but it is one factor among others. Historical context is still relevant. Judges have no control over who is investigated and ultimately prosecuted. The court can intervene when apparent discriminatory violations occur, like when all jurors of a particular race or gender are stricken from a jury panel. There are specific remedies judges can and should use to ensure a fair trial, like questioning witnesses and juries to determine racial bias. An appellate judge should be especially mindful of any constitutional violations at the trial court level. A judge is a public servant whose job is to administer justice independently and treat everyone fairly and with dignity and respect. I have dedicated myself to this role for the last 14 years and will continue to do so as a Judge on the Court of Appeals.

An illustration of Amy Lassiter St. Pé, a White woman with straight, long brown hair, wearing a blue blazer and white blouse.

Please tell voters why you are most qualified for this seat.

My background as an attorney and a judge makes me the most qualified for this seat on the Court of Appeals. As an attorney who has spent 22 years practicing on the defense side of cases, plaintiffs’ side of cases, and as a sitting judge, I will be able to review appeals from ALL perspectives. As a Constitutional conservative with a background and broad perspective of legal experience, I will be able to make a better ruling on the issues being appealed to the Court of Appeals. My judicial philosophy is a strict constructionist of our Constitution, so I will fairly apply the law without trying to legislate from the bench.

Mississippi has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. How should the state’s criminal legal system properly balance punishment and rehabilitation?

We must always hold offenders accountable for crimes and protect victims’ rights. At the same time, our state needs more resources for the judicial system in terms of options for punishment and rehabilitation for crimes. The drug court, which is an option for Circuit Court judges, has seen tremendous success in helping people rebuild their lives. The drug court, as well as a court for mental health, should be offered as an option at all levels of the judicial system, including the municipal level where I currently serve.

A 2023 state Supreme Court rule required reforms to the state’s public defense systems. Do you believe this change is adequate to ensure indigent defendants are provided lawyers after arrest, or is there more that needs to be done?

I believe the change is good and is a step in the right direction. From my personal perspective, Jackson County has an amazing team of public defenders. They are assigned the case by the municipal judge, and then they represent the client through indictment, and if needed, through trial. There is always more that can be done, but I believe the Mississippi Supreme Court took great strides in ensuring protection for indigent defendants, and I feel confident they will continue to look for ways to ensure the rule is properly implemented.

Mississippi elects its judges and justices. This requires candidates to fundraise and solicit donations, often from lawyers, law firms and special interest groups. How can you accept contributions while still maintaining a sense of impartiality on the court?

The alternative to electing judges would be judges appointed by elected officials, which would come with the same “perception” of conflict. Questions would then arise about loyalty to particular elected officials, interest groups or political party of the elected official who made a judicial appointment. I understand the arguments made on both sides of the appointed versus elected judges discussion, but I am content with the current system that allows people to have a direct voice in electing judges. Judicial candidates are not personally involved in fundraising efforts. While that makes it harder to raise funds since your campaign relies on a committee to assist, those are the rules we follow. It is extremely important for voters to know their candidates and to examine their personal and professional track records. That way they can choose a candidate who is ethical and strong enough to be fair, unbiased and consistent in applying the law.

The criminal justice system in Mississippi has a history of racial disparities. Do you believe these disparities exist today, and if so, how will you address them from the bench.

I do not think we have racial bias in our court system in Mississippi. I believe our state has made tremendous progress to overcome racial injustices of the past. During my legal career, I have always treated everyone with respect and dignity—regardless of their race, societal status or background. Just as I have done as a municipal judge, I will always follow the law, uphold our Constitution, and be fair in all cases that come before me on the Court of Appeals.

Hinds County Court, Subdistrict 2

An illustration of Pieter Teeuwissen, a White man with dark gray goatee, wearing a suit and tie.

Please tell voters why you are most qualified for this seat.

Respectfully, I am the only candidate in the race with actual experience in each facet of the County Court civil docket: jury trials, bench trials, appeals, eminent domain and prior judicial experience as special circuit judge.

Upon graduating from Tougaloo College and the University of Minnesota, I have practiced law in Jackson for 34 years serving unpaid on the Mississippi Board of Bar Admissions for 22 years (including six as Chair), serving as City of Jackson as Litigation Counsel under Mayor Melton and as City Attorney under Mayor Johnson and Mayor Lumumba Sr., and serving as Hinds County Board Attorney for six years.

Mississippi has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. How should the state’s criminal legal system properly balance punishment and rehabilitation?

The Hinds County Court civil docket does not handle criminal or youth matters. Nevertheless, it is important that the justice system tailor punishment to the individual offense and provide offenders with a meaningful opportunity to rejoin the community as citizens with rights to vote and jury participation. All of us have received a second or more chance in life, and we should afford the same to other citizens who have served their sentences.

A 2023 state Supreme Court rule required reforms to the state’s public defense systems. Do you believe this change is adequate to ensure indigent defendants are provided lawyers after arrest, or is there more that needs to be done?

The Hinds County Court civil docket does not include public defenders, as they participate in the criminal system. My personal belief is that every indigent person is constitutionally entitled to a competent attorney who should provide zealous representation, and a judge should ensure that such representation is provided to those accused, but who are presumed innocent.

Mississippi elects its judges and justices. This requires candidates to fundraise and solicit donations, often from lawyers, law firms and special interest groups. How can you accept contributions while still maintaining a sense of impartiality on the court?

Judicial candidates are prohibited from directly soliciting contributions. My campaign committee has not and will not accept any special interest group funds. Regarding individual donations, the committee screens the donations, so I do not know who is giving or the amount. I further maintain impartiality by issuing an open invitation for any and all citizens to attend court proceedings and observe the respect I give each litigant and how we reach the proper legal conclusion. Transparency from the judge is paramount to maintaining impartiality and providing justice!

The criminal justice system in Mississippi has a history of racial disparities. Do you believe these disparities exist today, and if so, how will you address them from the bench?

Again, the Hinds County Court civil docket does not handle criminal matters. Importantly, though, the same disparities that affect individuals in the criminal system also affect individuals in the civil system. Since taking the bench in December 2023, I have sought to reduce interest rates and attorney fees as permitted by law, balance tenant protection with landlord rights while treating all people with respect and ensuring that the least of us have access to justice through compassion, patience, creativity.

An illustration of Bridgette M. Morgan, a Black woman with long black hair, wearing a dark gray blazer.

Please tell voters why you are most qualified for this seat.

I have sat in every seat in the courtroom. I have been the family member of a person being charged with a crime, Law Clerk to two circuit court judges, Public Defender, Police Attorney, Prosecutor, private Attorney, and private citizen filing a lawsuit. I wrote the body camera policy for the Jackson Police Department, ensuring accountability and transparency. I have tried 1,563 cases in the past year. I have practiced in justice court, municipal court, county court, circuit court, and federal court. I have done the work, identified the problem, and identified a solution that betters the young people in our community which will yield a return of a safer and more economically friendly Hinds County.

While serving as a prosecutor, I had the opportunity to witness the initial appearances of every misdemeanor and felony that occurred within the city limits of Jackson. That experience gave me a bird’s eye view into just how many young people were being exposed to adult jurisdiction, which then made me think of ways to help deter crime and to save a generation. I took a visit to Job Corps and identified a way, in appropriate circumstances, to use it as an alternative solution. Currently, there are no court-ordered participants from Hinds County Court in Job Corps.

Moms are notorious for thinking about and caring for others. Women take whatever you give them, and we multiply it. If you give us a house we will make it a home, if you give us groceries we will make a meal, give us a seed and we make human beings. Give me this job to be your next Hinds County Court Judge and justice will be multiplied for every human that comes into my courtroom.

Mississippi has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. How should the state’s criminal legal system properly balance punishment and rehabilitation?

Punishment should never travel without rehabilitation. Rehabilitation should start the moment a person is arrested and brought before a judge. The goal of the system should be to ensure that offenders are productive citizens of society when they return to the community. The state’s criminal legal system should ensure that there is adequate funding for the necessary services to travel with the appropriate punishment i.e., behavioral health, mental health, drug & alcohol treatment and, etc. A balanced system is transparent, accountable, collaborative, and efficient.

A 2023 state Supreme Court rule required reforms to the state’s public defense systems. Do you believe this change is adequate to ensure indigent defendants are provided lawyers after arrest, or is there more that needs to be done?

There is more that needs to be done. There needs to be a law that states that if a person is not indicted within 90 days and has not made bail, then he shall be released on his own recognizance for nonviolent offenses. If the person is not a danger to the community or a flight risk, then he/she may be placed on house arrest. In both instances, any time served shall be used as credit toward any sentence he/she may receive. The courts, law enforcement, and prosecutors should be held accountable for defendants languishing in jail without indictment. There are so many collateral consequences that come with being incarcerated: loss of home, job, car, SSI/Disability benefits, and inadequate medication. Unnecessary incarceration is costly to the taxpayers and leads to recidivism when a person is released with little to return to. Also, public defenders should be paid at the same rate as prosecutors to help prevent being overworked and underpaid.

Mississippi elects its judges and justices. This requires candidates to fundraise and solicit donations, often from lawyers, law firms and special interest groups. How can you accept contributions while still maintaining a sense of impartiality on the court?

The literal nature of a judge’s job is to be fair and impartial to everyone; it is what keeps politics out of the judicial system. I would hope that donations are being made to ensure qualified and principled persons are being elected and not to gain personal favor. I have a proven track record of fairness to my colleagues as a defense attorney, prosecutor, police attorney, administrative law judge, and civil attorney. There are also limitations on donors. This reduces the chance of being partial to certain lawyers and firms. One of the reasons that I am seeking this seat is to eliminate the pitfalls of unfairness that so many of us without family and political connections face. Absolutely no one is above the laws of this State.

The criminal justice system in Mississippi has a history of racial disparities. Do you believe these disparities exist today, and if so, how will you address them from the bench?

Racial disparities still exist. I know what it is like to be included in racial disparities. Some examples are the disrespect of time, the disrespect of privacy, and the assembly line-like treatment. I will consider the family makeup, employment and criminal history, health, and likelihood of rehabilitation and recidivism of every person, Black, brown or White. I will ensure that each person has an opportunity to be heard and is treated with human dignity while in my courtroom.

An illustration of Yemi Kings, a bald Black man with a beard, wearing a suit and tie.

Please tell voters why you are most qualified for this seat.

My Experience, Community Service and Community ties make me most qualified for this seat. County Court has three divisions, Youth Court Division, Criminal Division and Civil Division. I’m the only candidate that has sat in every seat in the County Court. I have handled cases as a Youth Court Prosecutor, Youth Court Defense Attorney, Deputy County Prosecutor, Hinds County Public Defender, Civil Plaintiffs Attorney and a Civil Defense Attorney for individuals, businesses and government agencies. I am the only candidate that has handled thousands of cases as an attorney in the Hinds County Court, and I believe all of that relevant experience matters. I am the only candidate that has worked as a mentor for at risk youth with the Hinds County Youth Court. Also, I’m the only candidate that is from and lives in this District. I believe I have a unique and needed perspective to bring to the bench.

Mississippi has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. How should the state’s criminal legal system properly balance punishment and rehabilitation?

As a current prosecutor, public defender and former attorney for a drug court program, I am always faced with balancing punishment and rehabilitation. Bonds or bail is the one area that ultimately determines when, if, and how long a person will remain incarcerated when charged with a crime. I work to ensure that bonds are not being imposed in a punitive manner. As a prosecutor, I believe our legal system should never take a heavy-handed or “tough on all crime” approach. Some crimes simply may not warrant sending the defendant to prison. There are many nonviolent offenders that deserve second chances, drug treatment, rehabilitation or diversion programs. Second chance / diversion programs are crucial in ensuring that we balance punishment and rehabilitation. Failing to consider such options in some cases could lead to needlessly destroying lives. A few days in jail can cost someone their job, home and more and that’s something that I consider when making decisions about incarceration. There are people that need to be punished and there are people that need to be rehabilitated. I believe that my professional and lived experiences will help me to make fair and just decisions in that regard.

A 2023 state Supreme Court rule required reforms to the state’s public defense systems. Do you believe this change is adequate to ensure indigent defendants are provided lawyers after arrest, or is there more that needs to be done?

I am a former full-time public defender for Hinds County and a current part-time public defender in another jurisdiction. I have represented indigent Defendants in some capacity for over 13 years. I believe that prosecutors and public defenders are both indispensable to our criminal justice system. As a Public Defender I always felt that we should have been paid equal to prosecutors, which was not the case. Public Defenders deserve to be paid more! If Defendant A can hire a lawyer before turning himself in, he has the benefit of having an advocate literally on day 1. If Defendant B can’t hire an attorney, he cannot be appointed a public defender until after seeing a judge and the judge making a determination that he qualifies for appointed counsel. I think Defendant A is in a much better position on day 1 simply because he has the money to hire a lawyer as opposed to waiting to be appointed a lawyer. To this day it bothers me when I’m appointed to represent a Defendant long after he has been interrogated ,and I know had I been his lawyer during the interrogation, my client probably would not have been charged with a crime. I welcome funding and changes that would lead to Defendants being able to access court appointed counsel as early as possible.

Mississippi elects its judges and justices. This requires candidates to fundraise and solicit donations, often from lawyers, law firms and special interest groups. How can you accept contributions while still maintaining a sense of impartiality on the court?

Judicial candidates are not allowed to solicit or accept donations themselves. However, they can have campaign committees to do so. I believe that the Judge should be like a referee at a ball game. You call the balls and strikes. The referee doesn’t care what team is playing or who’s winning or losing. I will be that referee. Donations will not factor in my rulings in any way

The criminal justice system in Mississippi has a history of racial disparities. Do you believe these disparities exist today, and if so, how will you address them from the bench?

From a historical standpoint, we all know that Mississippi has a history of racial disparities. Jim Crow Laws are what you get when we have laws that are unjust and unfair. I believe that when our constitution and laws are applied fairly and equally to all, that leaves no room for people to be treated differently in a courtroom based on their race. I’m going to follow the law and apply it fairly. You will not see racial disparities coming from a Judge Kings’ courtroom. I believe our constitution and its protections belong to all of us and I will apply them fairly to all.

Daja E. Henry Twitter Email is a staff writer for The Marshall Project. She will report on local criminal justice stories in Jackson, Mississippi, that go below the surface and examine persistent problems in policing, courts, local jails and state prisons, as well as the human impact of the criminal justice system. Henry joins The Marshall Project from The 19th, an independent, nonprofit news organization reporting on issues important to women, women of color and the LGBTQ+ community. She has covered police brutality, environmental justice communities throughout the South, and gun violence in her hometown of New Orleans. Henry holds a bachelor’s degree in media, journalism and film communications from Howard University, and a master’s degree in mass communications from Arizona State University.